Service Programme
‘The St Peter’s Man is a Man of Service’
As part of our motto: ‘To Love and to Serve’ , all St Peter’s students are required to complete service work as part of their life at the College. Service work is defined as any unpaid work that is not for relatives. Students are involved in many and various forms of service both at St Peter’s and in the wider Auckland Community.
Some common forms of service work include:
- Volunteer work in Parishes and Churches, such as Altar Serving, Working Bees and Hospitality
- Coaching and/or managing of junior sports teams
- Environmental service such as the SPC programme ‘Trees for Survival’
- Volunteer work at community events, such as the Real Women’s Duathlon at Ambury Park in February and May each year
- Assistance at the College Fair in Term One each year
- School-based service groups, such as the ‘Young Vinnies’
Service Requirements per Year Level at St Peter’s
(Note: all Yr 9 – 12 students have been sent a OneNote link to their respective service journals. The link was sent to their school email address)
12 hours, completed service journal which is downloadable by clicking link below:
Year 7 & 8 Service Booklet 2024
12 hours, completed service journal which is downloadable by clicking link below:
Year 7 & 8 Service Booklet 2024
15 hours, journal emailed to parents and students
15 hours, journal emailed to parents and students
(Note: at least 3 of these hours must be in service for St Peter’s College)
20 hours’ journal emailed to parents and students
(Note: at least 4 of these hours must be in service for St Peter’s College)
25 hours, journal emailed to parents and students
(Note: at least 5 of these hours must be in service for St Peter’s College)
Involvement in at least one portfolio area (no journal issued)
- Keep track of your hours served and the activity completed on the log provided
- Have a witness verify your hours by signing them off, providing their name and contact number on the log provided
- Complete the relevant written requirements for your year level
- Hand in as per instructions on your service journal
Please note: Service work is unpaid work and NOT for relatives
Thank you for the acts of love and service that you give to your community throughout the year