2025 Tennis Information: Click Here
Term 1 Tennis Registration: Click Here
Please register for Term 1 Before 14 February.
Terms Played
- Term 1 – All students Year 9-13 in two age grades: Juniors (u15) and Seniors (u19). Students in Years 7-8 may play in the Junior grade if they meet the required standard of play.
- Term 4 – All students Year 7-10 regardless of playing ability or prior experience
Game Days
- Saturday mornings – 8.15 am or 10.30 am
Practice Times
- Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 3.15 – 4.15pm depending on teams/grades
- $50 (covers court hire, coaching and College Sport registration)
- Tennis Racquet
- SPC PE top, SPC Tennis shorts and suitable footwear
- Senior A to wear SPC Tennis shirt
- SPC White Tennis shorts to be worn by all players. Available for purchase from the Edmund’s Shop.
- Refer Sports Uniform Requirements
Please register using the online registration form before 16 September 2024.
Other Information
- Players will be sorted into one of 3 grades based on their ability and experience (A, B, or C).
- If you want your son to just attend practices but not be in a Saturday team that plays against other schools, please indicate this in the registration form.
Teacher in Charge
For any queries, please contact Mr John Gayfer,